
Horseshoe Halloween

Every year people all over the US spend countless hours, days, even weeks trying to decide on that perfect Halloween Costume.

For the best inspiration and ideas look no further than a mid July evening in the Northwoods of Wisconsin at Camp Horseshoe’s Casino Night!

I know that is where I go.  Share your favorite Casino Night Costumes on Facebook and help me prepare for Halloween this year.Hail to the Forest!


What a beautiful day in the downtown Rhinelander area, the birds are
chirping, the squirrels are playing and Stu is waiting for you down at

I’m sure each and every camper wished they were waking up to Reveille and
Bills wonderful tunes right about now, but for most there is a season
after camp and that is the dreaded “school” season.

However, Camp Horseshoe intends to bring summer camp into your homes
throughout the year with our wonderful new companion, SOCIAL MEDIA.

Between our blog, Twitter, and Facebook accounts we hope to help bring the
Spirit of Horseshoe into each and every one of your homes.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, become a fan of our Camp Horseshoe Facebook page to
see the highly anticipated Summer of 2011 Photo Scrapbook located behind
the “About the SHOE” tab.

This brings back so many incredible memories from this past summer for all
of us.

We encourage you to share your memories on our Facebook wall as well.

Hail to the Forest!!!